What is the robust woman type

What we are about to say can be controversial for some. It is based on empirical observation and is not backed by statistical science. Yet, this should not prevent us from thinking and observing. Let’s dig into the fascinating subject of human body types!

Our point is that there are different body types and that a particular type can stimulate desire and attraction in some individuals. In other words, some people are unconsciously attracted to types, also called somatotypes. Why? We can’t say for sure. But it is probably conditioned by the complex mechanics that drives all our desires that make us look for something that will complement our genetic pool. Those body types are not conditioned by belonging to a gender, male or female. The types happen in both sexes. Yes, you read it correctly, the robust type is found in women as much as it is found in men.

I. The three basic types:

II. Mixed types

One individual is rarely of a pure type. You can find a various degree of mixing within one individual.

Mixed Robust / Round: the RBBW, the Robust Big Beautiful Woman. Top model Erica Lauren:

High-fat mass, but almost flat belly High muscle mass Colossus proportion in legs and hips. This 180 cm tall (6 foot)  model has a 150 centimeters (55 inches) hips circumference. Simply unbelievable. Very strong Mixed Robust / Gracile Lindsey Boswel. Picture credit Femflex.com

An individual can have parts of the body of one type, and the others of another type. In this case, the base body type is gracile, but the calves are Robust: 16.5 inches, or 42 centimeters circumferences and very muscular.

III. Comparison

One thing that is striking when you compare the robust type with the gracile type is how bigger, stronger the robust type seems. The proportions are different. It’s not the same league. Look at this image:

It’s the wrestler Beth Phoenix on the right, with another wrestler. Here is a typical example of a robust woman next to a gracile type of woman. Beth Pheonix is simply broader and more robust. And it’s not due to her lifting more weights. It’s due to her underlying, naturally robust muscular and bone structure. Compare the width of the face, the size of the arms and the torso. It’s a no match. And when she fights, she constantly overpowers her opponents and keeps lifting them off the ground over and over.

IV. Additional remarks

You and I are both exploring the topic, there is no official source for the body type specification. This site is also for us a way to share our observations and remarks on this subject we are so fascinated about: the robust type in women.

Here are additional observations on the subject, it might be completed as we learn more about it.

Types exist equally in both genders. It’s not a question of testosterone or growth hormone. It’s a genetically predetermined body structure. A very robust woman is usually stronger and heavier than a very gracile man.

The bone structure appears to be the most influential factor. Larger bones support larger muscles. This is why robust people appear bigger when compared to those of the gracile type. You will see many examples on the site.

One can’t switch to another body type. The body type is determined genetically at birth. A gracile type can build muscle, but it will never possess the natural robust structure. This is well known in the bodybuilding circle where ‘gifted’ individual can rapidly build muscle and achieve a muscle mass that the gracile type can only dream about.

This is it; we have defined the robust body type. On this site, we will explore this fascinating topic, and we will welcome those women gifted with this type of body.
